Set yourself up for rucking success! Avoid injury, optimize each session, amplify your wellness lifestyle!

Join the party!

Sign up to be notified when the next 12 week

Beginner’s cohort opens for registration!

    We respect your privacy. Unsubscribe at any time.

    Once per week virtual sessions via Zoom to teach you the basics of fitness, rucking, nutrition, and lifestyle wellness. We will get into deep dives, questions, and discussions as this is meant to guide you on your individual journey of health and rucking!

    If you miss a week or can’t make the live sessions because of timezone, sessions will be recorded.

    Get a new ‘RuckBud’ (another participant!) each week to get to know, empower, and motivate!

    The weekly topics we will be diving into include:

    Investment: $99/mo for 3 months